Box 1824

The new visual language was created based on the idea that any type of research reflects the way that each individual sees the world. Thus, we developed icons that changed with the observer perspective.

Celebrating its 15th anniversary, Box revisited its value proposition and recognized the need to also revise its visual identity to present itself with a broader scope of operation, emphasizing innovation. Thus, a new visual universe was crafted for the brand, aligned with the new strategy and positioning.

YEAR: 2020

CREATIVE DIRECTION: Matheus Pinto and Beatriz Janoni
GRAPHIC DESIGN: Beatriz Janoni
MOTION: Beatriz Janoni and Rodrigo Martins Costa
3D: Rodrigo Martins Costa

The technical and creative development of the project was guided by co-creation with the company's key leadership, understanding Box's desire to be recognized as a pioneering company, with innovation at the core of its business and driven by people.

New forms from different perspectives

To create Box's new language, we delved into the central point of any research: the unique way each individual perceives the world. To reinforce the concept of innovation, each company deliverable became an icon integrated into the visual communication.

Depending on the observer's perspective, these same icons reconfigure themselves, giving rise to new forms, representing that each person has a unique view on a particular subject. We opted for well-defined grids, human and modern typography, comforting colors, as well as supporting elements and dynamic three-dimensional images for what is typically static.